Personal Finance 1:1 Sessions for You
Our highly sought Personal Finance Sessions introduce Indian professionals to the interrelationship between today’s financial decisions and future financial freedom. To achieve financial health and wellness, participants learn about money-management strategies, including earning, employment and income, budgeting, savings, loans, credit card usage, debt management, consumer protection, anti-fraud strategies, smart shopping, risk management, investing and personal net worth. They also explore how their money decisions can affect other people with whom they have relationships and explore and practice healthy behaviors to discuss and manage shared financial decisions, especially in Indian family and extended family context.
At the conclusion of these program sessions, Participants will identify how their personal finances affect their quality of life and how to start their financial wellness journey. They will understand how their financial choices will be the basis for meeting their needs and wants, and how to prioritize their consumption decisions.
These are the important topics. We discuss them in small sessions or 1:1 session based on the relevance, priority and importance in the life situation of our participants.

Earning, Employment, and Income
Participants learn that healthy personal finances require planning and managing. They begin to analyze the financial implications of their educational and career choices as a basis for understanding the relationship between earnings and personal finance. Participants also explore how their decisions can affect other people with whom they have relationships and practice using healthy behaviors to discuss shared financial decisions.
Participants investigate the importance of budgeting and staying within a budget. They review characteristics of a healthy relationship and explore how shared budgeting creates opportunities to talk about equality, independence, and respect.
Participants analyze the role that saving plays in their personal finances. They explore how having a healthy savings plan is necessary in all phases of life but is especially critical for big-ticket items and emergencies. Participants learn how to apply communication strategies when discussing financial issues.
Credit and Debt and Loan Management
Participants analyze the importance of credit and the outcomes of wise and poor use of credit. They examine the potential consequences of sharing credit or cosigning for loans. They also learn how to think about different type of loans and how to manage a good balance between loans.
Consumer Protection and Anti-Fraud
Participants explore consumer protection basics, including how to avoid scams, manage their money, use credit and loans carefully, and protect their personal information. They learn some of the risks associated with sharing finances with others.
Smart Shopping and Smart Consumer
We focus on making participants aware about informed purchasing decisions to maximize buying power. Participants learn about comparison shopping and participate in a simulated shopping experience. They explore communicating with other people about consumer behaviors and shared shopping.
Risk Management
We make participants aware about the risks that can lead to financial loss. Participants practice applying appropriate risk management strategies in scenarios and learn how to discuss risk management and manage the risks associated with shared financial choices.
Investing and Networth
This optional, student self-guided activity explores the difference between saving and investing, the advantages and potential returns of investing, and common types of investment products. Participants also learn about various types of investment risks and self-assess their personal investment risk tolerance and communication with others about shared investments. They also understand the concept of personal and family net worth, and how to make good decisions and not make common behavioral finance mistakes.